エーデルガルト Edelgard
(女神の塔 早朝)
Goddess Tower | Dawn
エーデルガルト: 今日で、ちょうど5年……。
Edelgard: Five years ago to the day...
If things had continued on as they were, today would have been the millennium festival...
Halt! Who's there?!
It can't be... Professor?
Is it really you? But I searched everywhere and never found a trace.
My teacher... what have you been doing all this time? Where have you been?!
Choice 1: 眠っていた I was sleeping.
Choice 2: 死んでいた I was dead.
エーデルガルト: こんな時に冗談なんて……。師が姿を消してから5年も経ったのよ。
Edelgard: Joking? At a time like this? You do realize it's been five years since you disappeared!
Do you have any idea how guilty I felt? How broken my heart was?
I searched high and low after you vanished! Although there was no proof, I somehow knew you were still alive.
All this time, I led everyone as best I could, and fought with all my heart. It's been a difficult path to walk alone.
エーデルガルト: ……お帰りなさい。無事で、良かった。
Edelgard: Welcome back, my teacher. I'm so happy that you're safe.
Five years... Such a short time, but it fells like an eternity ago.
Do you... still feel the way you did all those years ago?
You said that you would fight at my side no matter how many enemies we should amass.
As for me, my resolve has not faltered. I'm determined as ever to see this through to the end.
I will defeat the false goddess. I will save this world from those creatures and give humanity its freedom back!
So, my teacher, are you prepared to stand with me?
Byleth: 覚悟はできている I am. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: ありがとう。それで、状況はわかっているわよね?
Edelgard: I― I thank you. Truly. Now then, I assume you understand the situation at hand, yes?
Byleth: 本当に5年間眠っていた I really was asleep all this time...
エーデルガルト: またそんな……冗談……じゃないの?本気みたいね……。
Edelgard: Another joke. Or...are you telling the truth? I suppose you must be.
In that case, I'll tell you all that has transpired as you slumbered these past five years.
エーデルガルト: ……というわけよ。戦線は膠着しているわ。
Edelgard: ...And that is where we are now. The war is at a stalemate.
Dimitri is the new King of Faerghus. It's clear that his territory will continue to support the church.
Meanwhile, Claude's leadership has thrown the Alliance into chaos. He maintains neutrality in their internal conflict.
The situation has created a deadlock. We've been awaiting an opportunity for our squadron to return to the monastery.
With you in the fray, I believe the state of the war will shift immediately.
The Church, as well as the Kingdom and the Alliance... The time has come to eliminate them all.
Choice 1: 王国や同盟を…… The Kingdom and the Alliance...
エーデルガルト: 学級は違えど、かつて同じ学校で共に過ごした仲間たち……。
Edelgard: Although we were of different houses, we were companions who lived and learned together.
エーデルガルト: 彼らと戦うことを躊躇している人もいるわ。
Edelgard: Some of our ranks are hesitant to battle against them.
エーデルガルト: 彼らと戦うことを躊躇している人もいるわ。それに、母国と戦っている人も……。
Edelgard: Some of our ranks are hesitant to battle against them, and against the people of their homelands...
エーデルガルト: 師の存在は、きっと彼らにとっても大きな心の支えとなるはず。
Edelgard: However, knowing that you're alive is sure to raise their spirits.
Choice 2: セイロス The Church of Seiros...
エーデルガルト: レアやセテス、それに騎士団の面々は健在よ。今は王都に本拠を置いているわ。
Edelgard: Rhea, Seteth, the knights, and the others are in prime condition. They've set up their base within the Kingdom capital.
The Immaculate One and her family have yet to fight on the front lines.
However, we must eventually face and defeat them. It would mean a great deal to have you with us when the time comes.
エーデルガルト: 良かった。それじゃ、皆のところへ案内するわ。
Edelgard: Good. Well then, I believe it's time for a little reunion.
The Black Eagle Strike Force never lost faith. They knew you were alive and have been awaiting your return. Let's not keep them waiting any longer.